Thursday, July 10, 2014

warning: this is totally obnoxious

You know how when one of your bestest, funnest, closest, oldest, pick up right where you left off-est friends is in town so you go out for a rager to all your old stomps...

You've got to take a selfie, it's like the law.

But you know how when you're taking a selfie

If you don't lift your finger up from the screen

it just keeps taking photos?

and you know how when you realize this, it's the funniest thing you've ever seen/heard/known?

what else is there to do then, but collapse into idiocy and hysteria?

And of course, keep your finger on the screen

(another warning: if you scroll too quickly, you'll probably get drunk)

It's like the law.


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Oh my GOD. I'm cracking up here in my bed.

And I think I *did* get drunk!

I love this, Jacqueline. I love you three. What a lotta life you've all lived, in your time together on this planet. You're all adorable, especially in your idiocy and hysteria.


Beth said...

Obnoxious and facey! ;)

Aline wins for the least dorky overall.

I honestly can't believe how many photos were snapped. And that the guy I was harassing is not in the background of a single one of them.

Crazy night of idiocy and hysteria for sure!

We need to get that stinky Texan back to San Diego ;)


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot! I too, am writing this post drunk. This is the best blog you've ever written in your life! I think we should start a fund to get the stinky Texan back to S.D. Sure, the money could be put to better use, like solving world hunger…but what is a San Diego without a stinky Texan?!!! It's a little lack luster. Let's put some luster back! I am on cloud 9 after this trip and not wanting to let this feeling go. The feeling of connecting with two of my closest heart friends. Like Beth said the first night at shushi (yes, shush), in the midst of uncontrollable laughter, "We are twelve, we are twelve."